Friday, November 6, 2009

Basketball...kind of

So Jonathan and two guys on our team (Paul and David) are playing on a professional basketball team called 'Akbars'. They have really enjoyed getting to know the guys on the team and it has been a great way to reach out to some locals and keep in shape playing a game they all love. Last weeks game was quite interesting and took a definite vostochni (eastern) turn when the opposing team started to fight and the referees changed the rules mid-game. It got a bit tense for a while there but our team ended up winning by 1 point anyway and Jonathan only came away a little bruised! All us wives and kids were there cheering on our spouses and people from church even came a long and helped us think up a chant to keep our players feeling supported (although the only thing Jonathan said he heard was Jackson crying at one point when he was taking a free throw..oops!).

Deborah and Abigail Markey with Jackson and I

Melanie and Titus Billings

Tilek Billings

Go Akbars!

1 comment:

Cara Denney said...

Great photos! So fun! Miss you all so much. Praying for you all, too. :)