Saturday, December 15, 2007

In Kyrgystan!

Hi Everyone!

We just wanted to write and let you all know that we have arrived in Bishkek safely. It’s taken us a few days to get set up with the internet, but now we’re up and running.

The Trip
We had a lot of extra baggage on our trip. We were allowed only one piece each with the airline we flew and we had 2 guitars and 3 bags. Calvary Chapel York wrote us a letter to give to the airline explaining that we were coming out here to live and will be needing these things. We also had to pay an extra $180 for changing katie’s name on the ticket and for our date change. Well, praise the Lord the airline didn’t charge us for anything. We were so encouraged by the Lord and got to bring all our baggage for free too!

Our Visa’s
After having our visa denied in the UK we decided to go to the border and apply there for a 1 yr multi-entry visa. We had no inviting letter and so technically we should have been granted a 3 month long tourist visa. However, after a bit of questioning by the consul we were granted a 1 yr multi-entry visa!! PRAISE THE LORD!

Thank You for your prayers

Jonathan and Katie

1 comment:

Marina said...

great news! praise the Lord!