I am delighted to announce that Summer has come to Kyrgzstan..."No, no Katie!" you say, "you're mistaken , surely you mean spring!" Well for the Kyrgyz, maybe this +17 weather and constant sunshine is known as spring. But to a homegrown British girl who spent most of her adult life in Ukraine, where the snow doesn't melt until late March, who also walked to school in pouring rain almost everyday in her childhood, to whom summer meant a rainstorm almost everyday with erratic bursts of sunshine and phenominal rainbows...THIS IS SUMMER. Infact, today I was hot. My feet were hot when we were walking outside. Oh the joys of living in Kyrgyzstan.
Today we went with our youth group to help clean a place where believers feed homeless people. It was a great time and we are so encouraged to see the believers in our church grow in serving. We have a big soviet holiday today also. "Women's day" Is far bigger than Christmas (not suprising in a muslim country) but even as I speak people are all over the city, in restaurants and in parks celebrating women. The flower sellers use this day to monopolise on the love sricken boys, whilst women all over the post soviet union are enjoying this day of recognition.